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Kidding plans 2024

Hello, welcome to another year of kidding!

Because of LIFE, I am only kidding out 6 does this year.  All are currently in with their prospective partners and we should be kidding in March. Five first fresheners - (Love Notes, a Love Letter daughter by Chancy, Love Potion, an Amore daughter by Pirate, Fantasia, a Gretta granddaughter by Pirate, and Honey Crisp and Northern Spy who are sisters out of Pink by Rocky) that I'm very excited about, and one second freshener (Admiration) that  I really enjoyed milking so much last year I just had to breed her again. That leaves several girls dry this year, and a few that are still looking for new homes. Next year will be back to crazy because I will have all those dry does to breed as well as those kids l kept this year, AND the three new girls I bought in May that I still have not introduced!

I may be putting a few more on the sales page to keep my sanity, but at this point I'm enjoying watching them grow.


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